Safety: What NOT To Do

So far we have touched a lot on what to do when practicing safe archery. But what NOT to do is equally important when considering safety in your archery practice. When getting started with the sport, there are some really important things to remember, and thankfully, our friends at Archery 360 have outlined these for you!

When starting with archery, here are some of the things you don’t want to do:


  1. Skip the tuning process: Whether you have a used bow or a brand new bow, making sure it is tuned properly makes all the difference. *Note: If you are using one of our universal bows, you won’t need to worry about this because they don’t require tuning!
  2. Forget the costs of a second-hand bow: A used bow might be helpful if you’re on a budget. But remember that there will be things to consider, adjust, replace, etc.
  3. Shoot with the wrong draw weight or draw length: Many pieces of a bow are unique to each individual and therefore, important to practicing safely. *Note: Remember that our universal bows are safe to be shared amongst a whole family, so if you are using one of these, you’re in luck!
  4. Overestimate your DIY skills: This isn’t like reupholstering your headboard or making your own hand-painted wallpaper. Leave certain aspects to your local pro shop.
  5. Skip the fundamentals: Even the fanciest equipment won’t do you much good without a proper foundation of archery skills. 

Visit Archery 360’s article to read these tips in more detail!

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