Backyard Archery Safety

It’s finally getting warmer outside and the idea of backyard archery can be really appealing (we totally get that). But archery safety is especially important when considering shooting in your yard.

Here are some things to consider…

  1. Is it legal to practice in your backyard?
  2. Speak with your neighbors, let them know that you plan to practice archery.
  3. Where should you place your target?
  4. Think about a backstop
  5. Remember Murphy’s law
  6. Safe distance around your target
  7. Pay attention to how your release your bow
  8. Use good range safety rules


Watch the video below from our friends at Archery 360 for more details on safe backyard archery in less than 5 minutes!

Still unsure? Snap some photos and bring them to your local archery shop. Consult an expert there, who can help you with this process!

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